For years we've been taking fish oil to get our Omega 3's. The packages look so inviting. Clear blue waters, pristine looking oceans.....Ah, so clean and pure, right? NOT. Today's oceans are polluted big time. They are full of all kinds of toxic waste. How about mercury? Ah, that's old hat. Ok, so put this in your pipe and smoke it - PCB's. What's that, you ask? PCB stands for Polychlorinated biphenyl, which is a man made chemical.
The production of PCB's started in the 1920 but stopped in many countries in 1970 because of the possible risks to human health and the environment. They used to be used as an insulating material in electric equipment such as transformers and were present in many products including inks, adhesives and paints.
Since 1929 around 2 million tonnes of PCB's have been produced, about 10% of which still remain in the environment today.
Remember the pictures of the beached whales? The dead ones? Well, post mortems on a particular group of whales showed large amounts of PCB's which they had ingested, which had completely messed up their sonar and that's why they wound up on the beach and not in the ocean. That's because PCB's destroy the nervous system. Cancerous growths were also found in their bodies. Lots of them.
Then there was Ukrainian president, Viktor Yuschenko. IIt is believed that his political rivals decided to poison him and put dioxins/pcbs in his food. Here are before and after pictures. In the after picture he has "chloracnea" brought on by the chemicals.
Are you aware that there is a huge lawsuit that was filed in California in March 2010 against 10 fish oil companies who claim that their fish oil DOES NOT CONTAIN PCB'S whereas independent lab testing proved that they had way over the "allowed" amounts?
Here is an ABC video which describes this lawsuit:
Contrast this with Omega 3 from Salvia Sclarea/Clary Sage oil. The oil is completely free of mercury, PCB's, toxic waste (even traces) and pesticides. It contains no allergens, has no side effects, no aftertaste, no bad smell or taste. It's completely natural and cold pressed
That's what makes the Marvalous Omega 3 such a huge business opportunity today in the U.S. and the rest of the world. The existing Omega 3 industry is a $7 billion industry. People are looking for a healthy alternative today and Marvalous offers this alternative.
To try a box of Marvalous Omega 3 shoot me an email at gottliebed at
You will probably be very surprised that an Omega 3 supplement helps bring down your blood sugar or helps remove the fluids from your ankles! It's really amazing.